[Malte] famille Tabone
Hello: To everyone,

When I see the word SPAM. I delete the letter received thinking tat there is a VIRUS there.

Its only by a dare chance that I opened this letter/email.

A lot of People probably think the same and only a few will read the email.

Why is it marked SPAM. (Could mean something else in French)


Vincent Xuereb
Hello Friends,

Has anyone scene my email regarding Francesco XUEREB (Born about 1839)?

Have I asked a complicated question? Or Maybe too much information?

I tried to make it easy for everyone giving them all the information I have.

If someone knows about Francesco or his family. I will be interested to hear from them.

I tried for many years with some news that he returned back from Australia and that he was separated from his brothers for 150 years.

I thank you with all my heart for good or bad news.

Kind Regards

Vincent Xuereb

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