[Malte] Re: quelques précisions

Your 'friend' may well be correct that there some errors in the index you and others have spent so much time to give to us all.

However, an index with some errors is better than no index at all, and I for one am grateful for all that work that hs been put into this project.

There are some researchers who accept indexes like the IGI and Adami as being the record.  If they do then that is their problem and not one for the creators of the index.

Every index entry which appears to refer to a member of your family should be checked against the original record, church register, notaries records, wills etc.

This is not difficult to do, but it is the responsibility of the individual to do it, and if they find an error, how hard is it to let the list know ?

Best wishes to you and all those who have and are still working on this project.


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Re: quelques précisions - par edmckie2 - 16-09-2012, 18:39

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