[Malte] Titles / Abbreviations
Good Morning,

Sometimes one finds the following titles/abbreviations together with the name of certain persons.

- Chco

- Mro

- Cho

- Mco

Does anybody knows the exact meaning please?

With thanks


Messages dans ce sujet
Titles / Abbreviations - par zzzmalta - 28-05-2012, 07:55
Re: Titles / Abbreviations - par architectemaltais - 28-05-2012, 09:44
Re : Titles / Abbreviations - par massajosy2002 - 28-05-2012, 10:51
Re: Titles / Abbreviations - par g.buldrini - 28-05-2012, 11:34
Re : Titles / Abbreviations - par zzzmalta - 29-05-2012, 14:19

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