[Malte] des bapt à birkirkara de 1800 à 1840

Google French translator is not translating properly and I'm not quite sure what is being said so I thought I would write to you Josyanne and ask you about the documents I have sent. I basically need to know who I should be sending the files to? I sent the first batch to Guy Xuereb. Secondly, what happens to them after they are sent? Do you have a group that translates them then puts them online. Just wondering. I have a whole lot more so please tell me what to do and when to do it. I am happy to accomodate.


Messages dans ce sujet
Re : des bapt à birkirkara de 1800 à 1840 - par theresine2004 - 04-01-2012, 10:34
Re : des bapt à birkirkara de 1800 à 1840 - par thatismevtt - 04-01-2012, 21:15
Re: des bapt à birkirkara de 1800 à 1840 - par carmenborg - 05-01-2012, 00:52
Re : des bapt à birki rkara de 1800 à 1840 - par carmenborg - 05-01-2012, 16:15
Re : des bapt à birki rkara de 1800 à 1840 - par carmenborg - 05-01-2012, 16:20

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