[Malte] Passport info on geneanum.com
Hello. I just found a passport listed on geneanum.com of a trip made by my great grandmother and my grandfather! So excited! It must have been listed recently.

Here is the info:

DATE: 1889-10-03 BROWN, Carmela

SPOUSE: Frederick / BIRTHDATE: 1852-01-25 /
AGE:37 /


accompagné par her son Georgie aged 5 yrs NB:

PLEASE can you tell me where I can find or view this document?

thank you,

you just have to click on ' archives nationales de Malte ', alphabetical order and you will find it! you are lucky, because I think my family must have swam across ,no sign of them!
Thank yo Chantal but I don't understand exactly where to look on the National Archives site.

Under Catalogues? What do I write for TITLE or DESCRIPTION? I tried Passports and nothing came up. I looked for Passports alphabetically under the CODE list and it is not there.

I presume I need to input the code NB 546 somewhere?
what i did : I went on the geneanum.com site, there I went on 'passeports', and in the introducing paragraph before the list of names, I clicked on 'Archives Nationales de Malte' and when the page opens there is a kind of little screen where you just click on 'show all' you'll just have to look for your people 

Here is the adress:

here is the page xith brown Carmela: 

And here is  Carmela Brown's passport application:

I hope you can get the informations, just click on the 3 links!

Kind regards 

Chantal Johnston
Thank you SO much Chantal! This is amazing to find these old documents! I knew my grandfather had gone to Turkey, but I thought he was older. To think he went when he was 5 years old!

I dont' suppose you know what it says at the bottom and on the left?

Thank you again!
'The said CarmelaCachia  is  currently the wife of Frederico Brown and wants to join her husband who is in Constantinople3

That's the sentence added at the bottom of the right hand page 

For the 2 lines on the left page 

 I think it says (after checking with my italian friends to be sure,that's why it took some time to reply!):

'The mother who appears in what is written, declares wanting to let her son leave'.(La madre dell'entroscritto dichiara di voler lasciare il figlio partire')

 I hope it helps you!

 With regards 

Chantal Johnston
Thank you very much Chantal! You are amazing!!! Always fun to get more information about this part of my family!

you're welcome! It's really fascinating to see where we come from, all these people who have moved around, lived, taken risks  Etc....and it's frustrating when we get stuck!

Good journey through your genealogie

Chantal Johnston

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