[Malte] Pour vincent XUEREP/XUEREB
Il y a 3 enfants du couple Tomaso XUEREB avec Anna SCHEMBRI (père et mère de votre Salvatore si c'est le bon)

Si l'on a pas le mariage pour Salvatore avec DI GABRIELI Paola à Curmi, vous avez la date pourquoi ne le demandez vous pas à la paroisse de Qormi à Malte ?

En attendant que vous me donniez votre avis je vais arrêter de chercher ce n'est peut être pas la peine si ce ne sont pas les bons.

1810 1810-01-07 XUEREB Nicola Tomaso SCHEMBRI Anna GRECH Giuseppa Paolo SEYCHEL Maria de pinto curmi 2 mariages de la même épse en 1809 et 1810 ? Mais les parents de l épx différents ? Certainement un rectificatif de filiations Valletta St Paul Le Naufragé

1813 1813-01-10 XUEREB Francesco Tomaso SCHEMBRI Anna SALIBA Paola Andrea SPITERI Maria Valletta St Paul Le Naufragé

1819 1819-02-22 XUEREB Antonio Tomaso SCHEMBRI Anna MIZZI Grazia Gio Maria SULTANA Margarita Veuve de Michele APAP X EN 1809 Valletta St Paul Le Naufragé

C'est qui ce Salvatore ?

Note complémentaire: Salvatore XUEREB, né en 1798, était marié à Nicolina Bonavia (née en 1798 à Porto Salvo, La Valette, Malte - d?)Mariée le 12 juin 1818 à La Valette, à Malte.

Ce sera bien de trouver des informations sur Francesco ou des informations supplémentaires sur la famille et comment? ou pourquoi? La famille s'est séparée ou perdue toutes ces années

Hello Christiane,

Here is the Marriage Certificate of Salvatore Xuereb and Paula Degabriele you seem to be worried about.

The parents of the bride an groom are listed as well.

Sorry we just came back from a funeral today. I check your letter and I'll answer the questions as best I could.


Vincent Xuereb
Bonjour Vincent

Merci pour cet acte de mariage, j’ai intégré les parents dans geneanum

Votre Salvatore doit être né à Gozo car le père Andrea s’est marié deux fois à Gozo une fois avec RAPA Margarita et une autre fois avec GRECH Angela

Malheureusement nous n’avons pas les baptêmes pour les XUEREB avant 1801, je regarde encore

Bonne journée


Bonjour Christiane,

Je cherchais dans les archives de l'église Saint-Dominique parce qu'il y avait épousé Nicola Bonavia le 12 juin 1818.

Cest je crois que cest sa 2ème femme.
Il épousa sa 3ème épouse à Qormi, Malte, le 7 août 1825.

Sa première femme que j'ai vue avec DOB ou Marraige était Antonia Grima sans preuve pour le moment. Je suis très fier de ce site ANOM Atet, Civil, mais je ne peux en utiliser qu’une partie. Je pense que je ne peux pas obtenir le site marraige. J'ai oublié comment.
J'espère que, avec tous les membres de la famille française, quelqu'un aurait le chaînon manquant.
S'il te plaît, reste en contact. Bonne chasse.


Vincent Xuereb
Hello Christiane and Friends,

Here is some information that might help find any of my family missing links.


I hope
someone can help me find more about one of my Great Grandfathers Francesco Xuereb in which somehow was separated/lost
for 180 years.

About a year
ago Anne Marie Xuereb contacted me from
France and she got the same Great Grandfather (Both sides of the family knew of
someone travelled to Australia and returned back to get Married. - [from where
he boarded to go to Australia and where he returned too, I don’t know]).

Note:________ A Salvatore Xuereb (Could be his
father)travelled alone from Port Marseilles (Unassisted Passenger Lists
1826-1922)on board a vessel name, El Kantara arriving at Port Sydney Australia
on 25 May 1822.

After 180
years I found that he had another two brothers Andrea Laurent and Cajetan
Pascal Xuereb Plus more (about 3 Brothers and a Sister).

I give you some Names and Dated in an
endeavour of finding more about his birth, death and family etc.

My Great
Grandfathers Name is: Francesco Xuereb (b abt. 1839. [Could be in Qormi,
Malta]. (That’s where his parents got married and his brothers born/Baptised –

His Father: Salvatore Xuereb (b? - d?).

His Mother: Paola de Gabrieli (b abt 1800 - d?).
Married 7 Aug 1825 Qormi, Malta.

His Brother: Andre Laurent (b 14 May 1840 [Qormi,
Malta?] - d 18 Dec 1895 Philippeville,

His Brother: Cajetan Pascal (b 4 Jul 1848 Qormi,
Malta - d 16 Jul 1901 Philippeville, Algeria).

Because of Famine and Disease.

Family and
Friends packed their seeds and belonging and went to Algeria.

A short story from Anne-Marie Xuereb: In Algeria. The elders spoke little,
especially not to the children, everything was a secret.

The papers of
the boat (.........)were written in Maltese, nobody, in each port, being able
to translate them, prohibition of docking, after a few weeks, going along the
coast, Rusicade/Philippeville accepted the passengers and cargo, unfortunately,
the seeds have rotten. (You either go back or stay and start at zero again)
They decided to stay.

After several
years, this is confirmed by the progress of the profession of marriage
certificates, over time.

Further Note:
On Maltese documents, the profession is never indicated. We had to look for
somewhere to live, elsewhere because of Malta’s famine.

At the time
there were epidemics, poor harvests and families were numerous.

There are
other siblings to Andre and Cejetan with No DOB etc. Are: (Most Likely born in
Philippeville, Algeria):-

Andrea, Antonio, Carmelo another Francesco-must have died young.

His Wife:
Paola de Gabrieli (b about 1800 - d ?).

Her Father:
Francesco de Gabrieli.

Her Mother:
Gaetana nee PACE.

A Further
note: Salvatore XUEREB b ? was previously married
to Nicolina Bonavia (b 1798 ? Porto Salvo, Valletta, Malta? - d?)Married 12
Jun 1818 Valletta, Malta.

It will be
nice to find some things about Francesco or, any additional information about the Family and How? or Why? The Family drifted apart or Lost all these years.


Vincent Xuereb

alt='Certifikat Taz-Zwieg (Marraiage Certificat)' /

alt='CCF20032018_00000' /

alt='Decendants of Francesco Xuereb' /

Hopefully these will help.


Vincent Xuereb
Hello Chistiane,

Some more information for you. A bit more closer to mine.

Salvatore Xuereb was born in Valletta arround 1859.

He Married Clara Decelis from Senglea Malta and they lived in Valletta.

They had four children.

1 Boy Xuereb DOB?

2 Carmena Xuereb DOB?

3 Mirianna Xuereb DOB?

4 Vincent or Vincenzo Xuereb Born in Valletta on 18 Jul 1885 & Died 16 Mar 1937. (Last Born)

When Vincent was very young his Mother Clara Died. Her sister Carloline Decelis looked after Vincent.


Carmena Xuereb Married Carmenu Calleja.

They had four Childern.

1 Allis, 2 Mary, 3 Willy, 4 Joseph. DOB's ??

Marianna Xuereb Married Joseph Coppini.

They had Four Children.

1 Carmenu, 2 Fredie, 3 Gigi, 4 Rita.

Vincent Xuereb Married Vittoria Maria Assunta Calleja from Hanrun Malta. She was born 22 or 25 Sep 1888 and Died on 16 Mar 1971 in Kogarah (Barried in Botany Cemitery NSW Australia.

They had eight plus children.

1 Mary Xuereb born in Valletta 27 July 1912 and Died in Mascot on 17 Apr 1998 and Barried in Batany NSW Australia.

2 Carmenu, 3 Willy, 4 Helen born in Valletta but all Died very young.

5 Emanuele Xuereb (My Father)was Born in Sliema Malta on 24 Dec 1922. Still Alive.

6 Carmele Xuereb was born in Sliema on 30 Oct 1925. Still Alive.

7 Juseppi Xuereb was born in Sliema on 16 Jan 1928. Still Alive.

8 Catherine Xuereb was born in Sliema on 21 Jan 1938. Still Alive.

All the Children that was born in Sliema where Baptised in Stella Maris Church in Sliema Malta.

Salvatore Xuereb was in the Navy.

Vicent Xuereb was also in the Navy The Maine Ship. He was a head cheff.


Vincent Xuereb

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