[Malte] Question on the database Geneanum.com
Hello all, I'm not french so I beg your pardon if I'll write in English.

I'm italian and I'm making a research on my ancestors. From my father's side I came to know that my grand-grandparent was born in Malta so I tried a quick research on the net and found the geneanum.com site where I found this record of Baptism:

1880-03-28 MONACCO Joseph, Joannes, Michael, Georgius Geronimo /Hyronimus MIRONI Fortunata G 355 1864-1882 Curmi Pinto

Actually my grand-grandparent name was Giuseppe (=Joseph)MONACO and he was born in 25/03/1880 by Girolamo Monaco and Fortunata Mirone (data from my hometown records)so must be him.

My question is: are there any other informations available such the name of the church or place where that record was found? Is it possible to get an original copy of that document? Were there other data as his parents ages or address?

Thank you for every information or hint you could provide to make me continue my search.

Kind regards,

Francesco Monaco
Caro Francesco,

non c’e’ dubbio che hai trovato l’atto di

battesimo del tuo bisnonno (Paolo e Maria Carmela

sono i suoi fratelli maggiori)figlio di Girolamo

e Fortunata Mirone (o Mironi). I dati sono

trascritti dal libro dei battesimi 1864-1882 della St George Parish di Qormi.

Qormi (Hal Qormi)(circa 15.000 abitanti)ha vari

nomi: Casal Curmi, Curmi, Curmi Pinto, Città

Pinto, Casal Fornaro. Emanuele Pinto de Fonseca

e’ il Gran Maestro dell’Ordine di Malta che l’ha

dichiarata citta’ il 25 maggio 1743.

La lettera G indica probabilmente chi ha fatto la

trascrizione mentre 355 (con 229 e 330)sono i

numeri delle pagine (o degli atti)che ti

interessano. L’immagine non e’ ancora in rete

negli archivi diocesani

(http://archives.maltadiocese.org/) e puoi

trovarlo all'Hill Museum & Manuscript Library

(http://www.hmml.org/). Credo tuttavia che chi ha

fatto la trascrizione abbia una copia degli originali. Ciao!


Il n’y a aucun doute que tu as trouvé l'acte de

baptême de ton arrière grand-père (et de Paul et

Maria Carmela, ses frères aînés)fils de Jérôme

et Fortunata Myron (ou Mironi). Les données sont

transcrits à partir du livre de baptêmes

1864-1882 de la paroisse St George de Qormi.

Qormi (Hal Qormi)(environ 15 000 habitants)a

plusieurs noms: Casal Curmi, Curmi, Curmi Pinto,

Città Pinto, Casal Fornaro. Emmanuel Pinto de

Fonseca est le Grand Maître de l'Ordre de Malte

qui l’a déclaré ville le 25 mai 1743.

La lettre G indique probablement celui qui a fait

la transcription et 355 (avec 229 et 330)sont

les numéros de page (ou des actes)qui

t’intéressent. L’image n’est pas encore en ligne

dans les archives diocésaines

(http://archives.maltadiocese.org/) et tu peux la

trouver au Hill Museum & Manuscript Library

(http://www.hmml.org/). Je crois, cependant, que

ceux qui ont fait la transcription a une copie de l'original.
Hello Francesco

in fact that LISTING was given to one of us by the priest

so we have no more details concerning that family

It is Saint Paul Church

obviously they were married around 1872 as the first baptism is in May 1873

the best find to do if you want to find more détails should be to ask a Professional Genealogist for the marriage certificate

here the address :


E-mail: guliana(at)onvol.net

it should be around 10 euros for the act, or more if you ask for a family tree



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