Can someone tell me if travel to Algiers in th8 1800's from Malta needed a passport etc.
hello Jane
I am not sure it was called a passport , but rather an HEALTH CERTFICATE
you will find them in Malta under the references MF AO1 at the archives in Notabile
please have a look at the ones i checked personnally , in this file
I was seaching for the family MASSA going to TRIPOLI around 1820
then to the families going to TUNISIA,
I afterwards checked to find them in the passangers lists
ce n était pas vraiement des passeports mais des certificats de bonne santé
trouvé aux archives de Notabile sous la réf MF AO 1
ci inclus la liste que j avais faite pour TRIPOLI et TUNIS
puis complété par les listes de passangers prenant le bateau
je viens de recevoir il y a 5 minutes des nouveaux passeports pour l algérie fait par Mark CARUANA
et demain je dois recevoir d autres passeports pour la tunisie de la même personne
Hello Josyanne,
Thank you, but can you tell me how to find these archives? Are they found on the Internet as that is the only way I can do research?
I am looking for Giovanna (Jane)Camilleri who was born in Algiers ABT 1870 in Algiers and married in Zurrieq, Malta ABT 1890
i will have to look later on - my grand daughter just arrived
to whom did she marry ????????????
si qq un peut voir sur l algérie ?
merçi d avance ma petite fille arrive et va squatter l ordi pour ses chansons !!
All travel at anytime to anyplace required a passport ..... except after Schengen treaty :-)