VINCENZO X TO ventura FENECH rabat gozo

his son

nicholas angelo x ffmargarita at rabat gozo

his son

valerio x to gioannella CUTAJAR st domenic churchh fporot salvo valletta

his son

pietro x to domenica GRIXTI at st catherin church in zurrieq

his daughterf

grace sive lucrezia x to lorenzo BUGEJA same place fzurrieq

the date will be found on the site

found in the book the earliest church register in gozo mmade by Horacio VELLA (his personal ancestors)

page 132 note 1152

i will send you his personal email in private tomorrow

bonjour à tous de retour de mmalte,

ordi en panne !!comme d hab ;;;;;

je soigne mmes coups de soleil

Thank you very much Josyanne,

I am very appreciative of your help.

I look forward to receipt of email.



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