Richard Fabre,
If you have a question in response to the current studies on Y dna of Maltese, I think it would be right that you would raise your questions or concerns with the authors directly.
The research is incomplete and it is not only on ydna, but also looking at the mtdna, Xdna and Adna.
Yes Ydna research has its merits due to being able to track the patronymic name through records.
When we find the same surname an different Ydna results, then this opens up a number of questions of the taking of the name, and with a few other same name men being tested we can identify who has the ancestral name and those who may have taken the mothers maiden name for example.
Also most of the members still need further testing in deep snp analysis to be able to identify the subgroup cluster.
It is not conclusive just having one surname person being tested, it is when we have a number of men with different surname that will give us a better data source.
Science is never conclusive and as more data is presented, the facts may change.
I do not preach, all I do is present what the current data reflects and try to interpret to the best of our knowledge and always open to query for refinement.
You are more than welcome to direct any question you have and I would be pleased to respond.
Thank you
Stephen Asciak