[Malte] Confusing Marriage Record

This marriage seems to have many issues.
I will add the original records when I will between a computer.

In the meantime the transcript is :
Maria daughter of Andrea CUSHERI and Maria PULIS, widow of Lazzaro XERRI son of Antonio and Maria MUSCAT
Angelo son of Salvatore SAMMUT and Maria ZARB, from Lija.

I will fix the entry.

On the first marriage of Maria CUSHERI, the mother is called Rosa.

Since we have also transcribe the baptism in Zebbug, you can find the baptism of Maria CUSHERI. On it, and on all her brothers and sisters, the mother is called Rosa.
Since Rosa PULIS is from Siggiewi, and we also transcribe the right period for the baptisms, you can find an "Anna Maria Rosa" in 1746-08-28.

I think it's her. She was using her third firstname as the main (very common practice), but the priest wrote down her second firstname on her daughter wedding.


Messages dans ce sujet
RE: Confusing Marriage Record - par NSV - 24-09-2023, 17:48
RE: Confusing Marriage Record - par NSV - 24-09-2023, 20:52
RE: Confusing Marriage Record - par NSV - 25-09-2023, 08:17

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