[Malte] Death dates not matching birth records?

The original archives are available :
So use it, instead of GM (use only GM has an index to find the true record). 

First error, the baptisms happened the 23 september 1803
And concerns Matteo Francesco Maruzzo.

Second error, there is no death record concerning any Sultana in 1893 in Xewkija.

What is the letter on the first column of the death record (on the previous line ? C ?).
I think the X on the end of line means that he was born in Xewkija.

Error on age happen quite sometimes. The age on death record or census can help to reduce the scope of research but can't be trusted.

If he die in 1893, you can ask for state death record to have another primary source.

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RE: Death dates not matching birth records? - par NSV - 09-08-2021, 22:17

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