[Malte] Chiaramonte - Malta
Hello Everyone,

My 7 x great grand mother is Grazia Chiaramonte born about 1660 to 1670

Her father was Pietro Chiaramonte and her mother was Domenica.

Grazia married my 7 x great grand father Lorenzo Bugeja

They married 22/8/1688 in Malta...probably at or around Zurrieq.

Details from Adami Collection

AZZUPPARD 18557 TONNA Filippo Giacomo

CM 09-12-1714 1714-12-09

AZOPPARDI Maria Paolo dcd PULIS Gioannella

BUGEJA Giovanni Lorenzo CHIARAMONTI Grazia épx de Zurrieq épse de C.Luca la mère de l'épse est remariée avec Vincenzo BARBARA de C. Luca

BUGEJA 13081 VELLA Salvatore

CM 22-08-1688 1688-08-22

BUGEJA Lorenzo Giovanni x 1661 MAGRO Scolastica de Bartolomeo et Lorenza

? Grazia Pietro Domenica les épx sont de Zurrieq

There seems to be very few if any Chiaramonte on the Adami collections. Why? and they are not noted in Malta's early history of Nobile Families. Note even a mention of families in Francesco Abela's description of MAlta 1647..... I know the history of Manfredo & Andrea Chiaramonte, Counts of Malta....and the rebellion against them...

I would love to hear from anyone who may know more of the Chiaramonte family in malta and the ancestors.

Thank you Stephen Asciak

Messages dans ce sujet
Chiaramonte - Malta - par sasciak - 02-05-2012, 08:46
Chiaramonte - Malta - par sasciak - 02-05-2012, 08:44

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