01-06-2018, 07:49
à voir les FALZON sur les passeports : presque tous sur Constantinople mais toujours avec date de naissance et le lieu
exemple pour Nicola :
Date of Birth: 14.01.1835, Age: 77, Place of Birth: Naxxar, Address: Sliema, Sda Falzon, 7, Literate: No,
Destination: Turkey, Constantinople, Remarks: 133 of 27/2/1907 Consular pass, Returning to Malta with wife and children and grand children
exemple pour Nicola :
Date of Birth: 14.01.1835, Age: 77, Place of Birth: Naxxar, Address: Sliema, Sda Falzon, 7, Literate: No,
Destination: Turkey, Constantinople, Remarks: 133 of 27/2/1907 Consular pass, Returning to Malta with wife and children and grand children