18-02-2014, 17:37
Bonjouren gros il refuse de faire la recherche
nous avons regardé dans nos bases , et il y a trop de données contradictoires concernant Emmanuelle
sans doute dcd avant 1778, et il faudrait rechercher dans plusieurs paroisses car ils ont l a air d avoir beaucoup bougé sans beaucoup de succés sur les résultats
ps il faut repartir sur les recensements en faisant chaque année avant 1778
Thank you for your request. We have looked into the information that you have given us and have also done some preliminary research. It seems that there are too many discrepancies surrounding Emmanuele FENECH and Maria. According to the marriage of Francesco, Emmanuele must have died before 1778. It also seems that the family travelled from one village to another and therefore the births would have to be researched in several Parishes and the results may be inconclusive.
nous avons regardé dans nos bases , et il y a trop de données contradictoires concernant Emmanuelle
sans doute dcd avant 1778, et il faudrait rechercher dans plusieurs paroisses car ils ont l a air d avoir beaucoup bougé sans beaucoup de succés sur les résultats
ps il faut repartir sur les recensements en faisant chaque année avant 1778
Thank you for your request. We have looked into the information that you have given us and have also done some preliminary research. It seems that there are too many discrepancies surrounding Emmanuele FENECH and Maria. According to the marriage of Francesco, Emmanuele must have died before 1778. It also seems that the family travelled from one village to another and therefore the births would have to be researched in several Parishes and the results may be inconclusive.