[Malte] Masini collection National archives-gozo
Visited the Gozo archives recently and made some copies of pages from the Baptisms at Matrice and St. George. i had very little time so did not do many but will upload to the files what I have in case they are of assistance to some members. My apologies for the quality of the images and the fact that some of the pages are not complete.

super !!!!

thanks a lot Ed - i shall wait with impatience

Ed nous a fait des photos des registres des baptemes de saint georges et Matrice de rabat de gozo

d ou une demande d aide pour aider à retranscrire

Hello Josyanne,

C'est une super nouvelle en effet. C'est une aubaine. Grand Merci à
Ed qui a pensé à nous tous.

Comme une majorité d'entre nous je suis concernée  et me propose de
reprendre la transcription....



Le 14/12/2011 11:46, josyanne massa a écrit :
All images I have are now uploaded.

I will try to get back again in January to get some more- despite the no cameras sign on the wall!.

Unfortunately the archives are very understaffed and are not always open at the 'official' opening times.

The curator also tells me that they are anticipating sending the Masini collection away for cleaning. Also the collection is the first priority for the digitizing programme, however they do not know when this will take place as although they have the equipment they do not have an operator!!

The plans for what will happen to the collection after digitising is not clear. the curator did not think that they would be put on line.

Thanks Ed

I put the photo in a file called Bapt St Georges et San Matrice

the notaires acts of this new collection are the most important

if you do have time to do it ? before it goes to cleaning / and digitalizing

Les 6 photos ont été mises dans les fichiers du groupe dans un fichier bapt à st georges et San matrice

perso je pense que les actes de notaires, surtout les testaments et Donations sont plus importants

Merci beaucoup pour ce Super cadeau de Noel,

j'ai tout enregistré sauf objection,je me propose de relever St Georges,


Ok Josyanne, pour testaments ou donations.... en premier.


Le 14/12/2011 17:31, josyanne massa a écrit :
At a loss to understand the point of the Notaries being of first importance.

Notarial records affect less than 10 per cent of the population, whereas baptisms (and burials)apply to everybody.

oui et non !!!

souvent les filiation complètes ne sont pas notés sur les actes ? .....voir le nombre très important de mariage à l 'église sans filiation

yes and no

often the complete filiation is not noted on the church registers when they are on the notaries acts


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