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[Malte] Francesco Xuereb - Born about 1839 - Version imprimable

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+--- Sujet : [Malte] Francesco Xuereb - Born about 1839 (/showthread.php?tid=4713)

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Re : Francesco Xuereb - Born about 1839 - edmckie2 - 17-03-2019


I have already been reprimanded for my comments so will not persue this further. If you are interested you can look at the Facebook group for yourself and agree or not as you wish.

Regards. Ed

Re : Francesco Xuereb - Born about 1839 - sasciak - 17-03-2019

1. I run the 'Malta DNA & Genealogy Group'. And there are no issues you mention. You are not even in this group so i do see how you know whats in the group.

2. Have you confused the above with the other site 'Malta DNA & Ancestry' site? I am not in this group and have no interest in its comments.



Re : Francesco Xuereb - Born about 1839 - edmckie2 - 17-03-2019


My apologies to you and your group. However the error is not mine and it is a matter you should take up with Facebook. If one puts a search for 'Malta DNA and genealogy'into the search box then it produces the posts to which I have referred. I have tried this several times with the same result. Not once has it linked to your own group.

Regards. Ed

Re : Francesco Xuereb - Born about 1839 - sasciak - 18-03-2019


I have done a search for Malta DNA and this what comes up.

Again i ask you to demonstrate your facts that you ligiitimately stand by otherwise i request an apology and a retraction of your statement.

Please show evidence.


Stephen Asciak

Re : Francesco Xuereb - Born about 1839 - christiane Charrel - 19-03-2019


Est-ce que ce site est bien le lieu pour y mettre vos différents ?



Re : Francesco Xuereb - Born about 1839 - dmuniglia - 19-03-2019


Je crois que les complotistes du Texas sont une bonne affabulation d'un lecteur du groupe, qui au passage a fait passer une information fantasque sur un groupe sérieux et instructif. 

Son fondateur Stephen Asciak, a donc raison de demander des explications à ce Monsieur Ed, qui botte en touche, après avoir atteint à la réputation de ce groupe. 

Le travail fait par Stephen Asciak est de très bonne qualité et je ne peux que témoigner de la quantité intéressante d'informations ayant trait au groupe Facebook de plus de 2500 membres qu'il administre.

Bonne journée, 


Re : Francesco Xuereb - Born about 1839 - michelignatius - 19-03-2019

The purpose of this site is to assist with providing historical and empirical facts based on genealogical research.. One should keep it that way and refrain from reacting to negative or personal commentary.Cordially.
