Le Forum de la Généalogie Numérique
[Malte] What is going to happen to yahoo groups - Version imprimable

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+--- Sujet : [Malte] What is going to happen to yahoo groups (/showthread.php?tid=4380)

What is going to happen to yahoo groups - edmckie2 - 20-08-2017

With the change in yahoo, have group owners been advised of coming changes?  Whilst this group appears to have dwindled in activity over the last few years it is still a valuable source for those with Maltese roots. It is also the main connection to the adami data on geneannum.  Perhaps a new forum will need to be created elsewhere.

Regards. Ed


Re: What is going to happen to yahoo groups - mha8692 - 21-08-2017

I haven't kept up with any changes with yahoo, but agree this group is such a valuable group to all Maltese people and their descendants wishing to trace their heritage. May I suggest using Facebook. There are a few other groups that provide the same awesome help to countless people across the world. Not Maltese ones though. I am only too happy to help you set it up on Facebook if you like.

Re: What is going to happen to yahoo groups - massajosy2002 - 21-08-2017

Hello Ed

i received that notice as well, this morning

'normaly' ? it should be the same - we will have to wait a few days and see -

perhaps create a group on face book ? but it allready existes an 'friends of malta'


Re: What is going to happen to yahoo groups - PAULSELWAY - 23-08-2017

I agree, you could call it Maltese Ancestors/genealogy- anything, I belong to a few locality FB genealogy groups and they are really useful to make connections and get and give advice.

Re: What is going to happen to yahoo groups - sasciak - 25-08-2017

We have a Maltese DNA & Genealogy Facebook page which JosyAnne Massa is a member.


You are all welcome to join.


Stephen Asciak

Re : What is going to happen to yahoo groups - jeanlombardo2003 - 27-08-2017

Bonjour très bonne idée mais pour moi et comme certains sera t-il en français merci