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[Malte] Cachia family in 1884 - Version imprimable

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Re : Cachia family in 1884 - - 25-10-2012

Hi there,

Yes I just stumbled on the website by accident. This is the master

It takes a bit of digging, but if you had any family who were in
Malta as part of the military then it will be useful.

Good luck!


Re : Cachia family in 1884 from vittoriosa - q24angel - 25-10-2012


Do you have the dates of these 2 marriages? Maybe they did not list Carmela because she was born later or something?


Re : Cachia family in 188 4 from vittoriosa - massajosy2002 - 26-10-2012

Re : Cachia family in 1884 from vittoriosa - q24angel - 26-10-2012

Hmmm. I suppose it could be them as she was born 11 years later, but you had a list of their children and Carmela was not on it? Was this information about children from a census? I guess if I order Carmela's Marriage Certificate, it should tell me the names of her parents?


Re : Cachia family in 1884 from vittoriosa and Cefalonia Before - q24angel - 28-10-2012

Hello Josyanne

So I got a reply from Marck Caruana and this is what he found.

12022 Cachia Regina 1841 18-Nov Greece, Cephalonia his wife

12020 Cachia Salvatore 1841 18-Nov Greece, Cephalonia

It is so exciting to find more and more bits of information! Perhaps this is the Regina and Salvatore you had found a marriage date for, but would they travel together before they were married? Are you now able to find passports or other info for this couple?


Re : Cachia family in 1884 from vittoriosa and Cefalonia Before - massajosy2002 - 28-10-2012

no indication

it is just a certificate of good health to travel

no indication on it just the date it was asked for


Re : Cachia fami ly in 1884 from vittoriosa - q24angel - 07-11-2012

Hello Josyanne

So I received the marriage certificate in the mail today. I found out the wife of Salvatore Cachia was called Elena but it does not give her maiden name Sad

Can you find any references for this person or know how I can find out more information?


Re : Cachia family in 1884 from vittoriosa - massajosy2002 - 07-11-2012

remind me which certificate you asked for?

and if you cannot translate it send me a scan or a photo of the act ?
