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[Malte] Zurrieq 1699 census - Version imprimable

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Zurrieq 1699 census - stuart.stamp - 29-04-2019

In the Status Animarum for 1741 - 1757 there is an indexed census for 1699. It is indexed for heads of households only but includes both wife and husband. The index is by Christian name - although the end of the index (names beginning with V)is missing. The very beginning and the very end of the census is missing.The census is very detailed giving the exact dates of birth/baptism for the majority of entries (including adults). I have typed the index into excel and cross-checked it with the actual census. I have put those whose christian name begins with V into the index and there were a couple of families that had been omitted. Anyone is welcome to the index - just email me.

Finding this information has really helped me which is why I am posting this message.

Kind regards to the group.

Pat Stamp

RE: Zurrieq 1699 census - christiane Charrel - 30-04-2019


Si vous avez traité cet index sous excel vous pourriez peut être nous en faire profiter ?



RE: Zurrieq 1699 census - jmvin13008 - 30-04-2019

Hi Pat,

?Thanks for your mail but would it be possible to share your Excel file?

Have a nice day

Jean-Marie Vincent

RE: Zurrieq 1699 census - stuart.stamp - 30-04-2019

You need to run through the original index as occasionally there are faint annotations that I have not been able to work out.

Kind regards


RE: Zurrieq 1699 census - stuart.stamp - 30-04-2019

Good morning Christiane.

Hope you find the excel file useful.

Kind regards


RE: Zurrieq 1699 census - christiane Charrel - 02-05-2019


Re: Zurrieq 1699 census - theresagrima - 02-05-2019


What an amazing bit of work. Must have taken you ages to transcribe. Well done!


RE: Zurrieq 1699 census - stuart.stamp - 02-05-2019

Thank you Theresa. It was only about 6 hours solid work but has easily saved me more than that amount of time in looking families up. I am so glad that other members of the group are finding it a useful aid to their research.


RE: Zurrieq 1699 census - christiane Charrel - 02-05-2019


Attention sur le fichier, ne sont indiqués que les chefs de famille ou les veuves, les enfants ne sont pas mentionnés

Il faut aller chercher sur le film pour les avoir

Par contre j’avais il y a déjà pas mal de temps retranscrit les baptêmes de Zurrieq, mes ancêtres étant de Zurrieq et certains de Tarxien, juste pour information les données sont sur genenanum

