Le Forum de la Généalogie Numérique
[Malte] REQUEST - Version imprimable

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REQUEST - schborg120 - 12-10-2015

Mr Borg

Thanks for your answer.

Sorry to hear about your health issues. I wish you a fast and stable recovery.

In order to prevent people (like me)from disappointment, I would humbly suggest the following:

1/ update your website in such a way that people understand that you're not available at the moment

2/ to let the Malta Genealogy Association in France (where you were invited as an expert earlier in Sept)be aware of your un-availability

Finally, if I still may, 2 questions:

Could you please share for how long you're going to be 'unavailable' ?

Could you pleasse still help me with D. LANFANCO - I've put the same request to him 3 months ago with NO ANSWER SO FAR !

Looking forward to reading from you.


Serge H Borg

In attachment last request

PS I took the liberty to CC

Re: REQUEST - jmvin13008 - 12-10-2015


I amn’t Mr Borg and consequently this mail isn’t for me but nevertheless if you have any request that i might support, it would be a pleasure to help you.

I am french living in Marseille.


Jean-Marie VINCENT