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[Malte] FAMILLE DI CIELI devenu DECELI puIs DECELIS de 1572 à nos jours - Version imprimable

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FAMILLE DI CIELI devenu DECELI puIs DECELIS de 1572 à nos jours - massajosy2002 - 24-05-2014

si quelqu un veut bien aider pour faire 6 photos de notaire sur cette famille assez ancienne ??

les photos sont très lisibles ....

d avance merci


Re: FAMILLE DI CIELI deven u DECELI puIs DECELIS de 1572 à nos jours - - 25-05-2014

Hello Josyanne,

Hope you can read this in English.

I have relatives on my mother's side Xiberras who live in Marseilles.

How can I find more about them. I don't read French unfortunately, so is there a website translation I can do from the French websites, without doing a word at a time translation?

Thank you


Re: FAMILLE DI CIELI deven u DECELI puIs DECELIS de 1572 à nos jours - massajosy2002 - 25-05-2014

hi Carmen

I doubt that you can find it easy to translate ??

I know that if you use google chrome you can have it autmatically into english ? I have personnally never used it


Re: FAMILLE DI CIELI deven u DECELI puIs DECELIS de 1572 à nos jours - patcas34 - 25-05-2014

Hello carmen

My AGM is Xiberras Carmele X Cassar Carmelo on 1st marriage and with Xuereb emmanuele on 2 sd.

Xiberras Salvatore was his father and Attard giovanna was his mother.

did you know theses persons ?

Soory for my english

Patrick Cassar

RE: FAMILLE DI CIELI devenu DEC ELI puIs D ECELIS de 1572 à nos jours - juliusborg - 26-05-2014

Hi Josyanne and Carmen.

I use Google Translate to translate English to French, Italian or Arabic.

It is very simple, although not necessarily accurate grammatically, but understandable.

Cheers, Julius Borg, the Maltese of Egypt family tree man
I can now say that I am officially recognised as a citizen of Malta, having been confirmed by the Government of Malta.

P.S. I have now reached the 4/5 of a century, the memory is not as good as it used to be. Please do not hesitate to remind me of any questions/queries you may have put to me which I have not answered.