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Sans object - grenadier19612003 - 30-09-2012


I wonder if you could be of any help to me in my quest to discover more about the family of my Grandfather and my Great Grandmother, or at least point me in the right direction with regards to who could possibly assist me?

According to my Grandfather's birth certificate I know that my Great Grandmother was born in Floriana but she was living in Rabat when she gave birth to my Grandad. Her name was Carmela Scerri and my Grandfather (born in 1901)was given the name Carmelo.

Carmela Scerri was the daughter of Vincenzo Scerri (according to Carmelo's birth certificate)but I do not have a name for her Mother. I am in possession of some old Baptismal lines from 1902 but they are not the easiest to read or translate, however the name Philomena Camilleri does appear on more than one occasion so perhaps it is possible that Philomena was her Mother.

I would really like to obtain Carmela's birth certificate but before I can purchase it I need to be certain of the date of her birth.

Kind regards...David Lambert

recherche XERRI / SCERRI - massajosy2002 - 30-09-2012

Hello David

1/ could you send me that old certificate to my private ad


I might be able to read it

2/do you know if they travelled I have a lot of passports data and will look

3/yesterday somebody told me that you can ask the certificate whitout having the complete date ?


you will pay a bit more and it will take 2 weeks


1/envoyez moi le certificat que je puisse essayer de le lire

2/ je vais regarder dans les passeports....

3/il pariat que l on peut demander un certificat sans avoir la date ...plus cher et prend plus longtemps

Re: recherche XERRI / SCERRI - f_cherri - 30-09-2012

bonjour, hello,

je n'ai pas ces personnes dans mon arbre, désolé

I don't heve any persons in my tree, sorry

Fred Cherri

Re: recherche XERRI / SCERRI - massajosy2002 - 01-10-2012

voici la traduction :


Bapt 29 may 1879

Of Carmela Maria Concepta Teresa Publia

Daughter of Vincenzo SCERRI and Philomena CAMILLERI

God parents are

Giovanni Maria ATTARD son of Vincenzo

And Maria Dolores ATTARD – (unmarried)daugther of the
same Vincenzo

All of them from Floriana

Certificate done the 10th May 1902


Bapt 23 jannuary 1901

Of Carmelus Paulus Vincentus Victorio Salvatore

Son of Carmela née SCERRI and father unknown

Daughter of Vincenzo and Philomena née CAMILLERI from

Godparents are

Carmelus VELLA son of Josephi

And Maria Teresa MUSCAT wife oe Francesco (MUSCAT)

All from Wilhema


Marriage le 20
Agust 1901

Georgio Joaquim
LAMBERT Son of Giovanni and Anna
from the suburb of Wilhema

from CRESTON in north Anglesia


Carmela née SCERRI daughter of Vincenzo and fu
Philomena née CAMILLERI from the suburb
of Floriana

Witnesses are

Giorgio Henrico LOWDEN son of Alfonso Carol

And Vincenza née SCERRI dauther of fu Vincenzo

Vincenzo XERRI / SCERRI x 1868 avec Philomena CAMILLERI Floriana - massajosy2002 - 01-10-2012

et voici le mariage des parents à FLORIANA

le 24 mai 1868

Vincenzo SCERRI et Philomena CAMILLER

dans l attente de recevoir l acte pour les détails


Re: Vincenzo XERRI / SCERRI x 1868 avec Philomena CAMILLERI Floriana - grenadier19612003 - 01-10-2012

More great information...Thank you.  How would I be able to find out which churches each event took place in and how would I be able to find out about siblings?

Thank you very much.

Kind regards...David.

Re: Vincenzo XERRI / SCERRI x 1868 avec Philomena CAMILLERI Floriana - massajosy2002 - 02-10-2012


and go to


as for the children the best thing would be to go to malta and check the census of floriana from 1901 to 1920

you will have the names of all the members of the family ,

as for the
census they are kept in Mdina in the archive of the church

then go to the parish church and ask for the listing of bapt

and get the cetificates

I did a few census looking for the ELLUL AND FENECH


as the family was english may be have a look here ....




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